Date On. 10 Jun 2024 |
On the occasion of World Environment Day 05.06.2024, at SPMCIL, Corporate Office, Senior Officer of Delhi Fire Department, Mr. Praveen Kumar shared special information on fire prevention in the office to a total of about 20 personnel providing services like cleanliness system, drivers of senior officers, MTS and use of fire fighting equipment. In this program, Dr. S.K. Das, Medical Consultant gave information about “First Aid”. Mr. Rajiv Sharma, Chief Security Officer (Consultant) called upon all the participants to always be alert about discharging their responsibilities in the office. |

In the second event organized in the office to mark the World Environment Day, a street play on environmental protection was presented by the students of Arwachin Bharti Public School, New Delhi under the guidance of teachers on the 16th floor of the Corporate Office, courtesy Commission for Air Quality Management, New Delhi. In this event, Shri S.K. Sinha, Director (HR) from the Corporate Office expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by the children and their performance. |

In the third program organized on the occasion of World Environment Day, a session on “Living in Harmony with nature” was organized by subject experts under the chairmanship of Director (HR). Mr. B.K. Piyush, Director, Prajapita Brahmakumari Ishwari Vishwa Vidyalaya, who was present as a guest, in his address emphasized the need to keep the inner environment clean and healthy along with the protection of the external environment. 18 personnel participated in the program and everyone requested to organize such events regularly keeping in mind its relevance in office work. |