SPMCIL Vigilance Circular Circular No.03/24: / Obtaining Local Content Declarations from the bidders while processing the tenders in compliance with guidelines of Make in India Orders – regCircular No.02/24: Regarding not obtaining Second Stage Advice in case of deviation from First Stage AdviceVigilance Circular No. 01/24 dated 21.02.2024Central Vigilance Commission Circular No. 04/06/23 dated 14.06.2023Vigilance Circular No. 10/22 dated 02.11.2022Vigilance Circular No. 09/22 dated 15.09.2022Vigilance Circular No. 08/22 dated 22.08.2022Vigilance Circular No. 07/22 dated 22.08.2022Circular No. 06/22: Regarding display of date of manufacturing & date of expiry on ink containers.Circular No. 05/22: Central Vigilance Commission Circular No.11/03/2022 – reg.Circular No. 04/22 – Central Vigilance Commission Circular No. 01/02/2022 – regardingCircular No.03/22,Vigilant India: Leveraging technology in structure and processes.Circular No. 02/22: Central Vigilance Commission Instructions on obtaining documents from CBI for the purpose of departmental inquiry proceedings – regarding Circular No.: 01/22 – Central Vigilance Commission Instructions on timely completion of departmental inquiries – procedure regardingCircular No 13/21: Central Vigilance Commission Instructions on timely finalization of departmental inquiry proceedings -regCircular No. 12/21 -Testing of technical parameters during PDI- reg.Circular No 11/21: Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings – improving vigilance administrationsCircular No 10/21 – Issuance of Suitability-reg.Circular No. 09/21 – Products to be offered for verification during APV – reg.Circular No. 08/21: Central Vigilance Commission Instructions on procedure for offering/accepting post retirement contractual employments/assignment or consultancy etcCircular No. 07/21: Central Vigilance Commission Instructions on Adoption of Integrity pact – Revised Standard Operating Procedure – regardingCircular No. 06/21: Central Vigilance Commission Instructions on procedure for offering/accepting post retirement contractual employments/assignment or consultancy etcCircular No. 05/21: Warning signals in documents for Cartel formation – regCircular No 04/21: Transparency in works/purchase/consultancy contracts awarded on nomination basis- reg.Circular No.: 03/21: Non-presence of members of Bid opening committeeCircular No 02/21: Participation in tender opening process in unit premises by firm representative due to Corona – reg.Circular No. 01/21: Not providing the yearly statement of stocks during verification- reg.Circular No 12/20: Uploading of PAC/Nomination tenders on portal -reg.Circular No. 11/20 – Completion of disciplinary proceeding through video conferencing in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic – reg.Circular No 10/20: Procuring various items, services related to machines on PAC/Nomination basis by directly placing order to Indian agent – regCircular No. 09/20: Regarding information being submitted under the heading of ‘Delay in payment’ in Monthly Dissemination ReportCircular No. 08/20: Central Vigilance Commission Instructions on tendering – regardingTender guidelines not being followed – reg. SH: Amendment to circular No. 05/20 dated 10.07.2020Circular No. 07/20- Page numbering – reg.Circular No 06/20: Discrepancies in bills -reg.Circular No 05/20: Tender guidelines not being followed – reg.Circular No. 04/20 – Not calling price bids in emails – reg.Circular No. 03/20 – Circulation of Important OrdersCircular No. 02/20- Transparency in bills – reg.Circular No. 01/20- Confirmation of Bank Guarantee – reg.Circular No 15/19: Adoption of Integrity Pact – Revised SOP – reg.Circular No 14/19: Inter-Unit Quiz CompetitionCircular No. 13/19: SAP EntryCircular No. 12/19: Regarding specification of material or service mentioning in the tender documents being issued by the SPMCIL units.Circular No. 11/19: Inter-Unit Quiz CompetitionCircular No. 10/19 – Guidelines for dealing with disagreement between DA and CVC in cases of granting Sanction for ProsecutionCircular No 09/19 – Corrections/Insertions/Over writings in Bids not initiated – reg.Circular No 08/19- Procurement PlanningCircular No 07/19- International Youth Contest of Social Anti-Corruption Advertising Together Against Corruption…hosting of poster/video competition in India from 01.06.19 to 30.09.19Circular No 06/19 – Acceptance of Deviated Material-reg.Circular No. 05-19: Extension of Performance SecurityCircular No. 04/19- Processing of PIDPI complaints by the Screening Committee of the Commission-reg.Circular 03/19:Issuance of tender Document to the registered/empanelled vendorCircular No. 02/19: Review of mecahnisms to ensure probity among Government ServantsCircular No. 01/19: Audit ReportCircular No 08/18-Delay in PaymentCircular No 07/18 – Government of India Resolution on Public Interest Disclosure & Protection of Informers – reg.Circular No 06/18: Transparency in Works/Purchases/ Consultancy contracts awarded on nomination basis – reg.Circular No.05/18: Transparent & scientific methodology for valuation of machineries.Circular No 04/18-Irregularities found in Annual Physical Verification – reg.Circular No. 03/18 Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 (PPP-MII Order )regarding.Circular No 02/18: Irregularities found during testing of samples – regCircular No.: 01/18: Applicability of Commission’s guidelinesCircular No.19/17 Reference to the Commission for advice documents/ information to be furnished -regardingCircular No: 18/17- Irregularities in assessing Estimated CostCircular No. 17/17: Empanelment of Inquiry Officers in the units of SPMCIL. SH: Empanelment of Executives of India Government Mint, Noida as enquiry officersCircular No. 16/17: Irregularities observed during Intensive Examination of printing of notes and related procurement including raw material – reg.Circular No. 15/17: Empanelment of Inquiry Officers in the units of SPMCIL. SH: Empanelment of Executives of Security Printing Press, Hyderabad as enquiry officersCIRCULAR NO. 14/17 : Regarding declaration of dependents by SPMCIL officers and employeesCIRCULAR NO. 13/17: Administrative and procedural lapses in procurement process- reg.Circular No. 12-17 Vendors Empanelment reg-Circular No. 11/17 Vigilance Awareness Week – Integrity Pledge- regarding.CIRCULAR NO. 10/17 : Manipulation and Complications at later stage in the specification of materials or services in tendering- regCIRCULAR NO.09/17 : Vigilance Clearance Certificate for promotion – regCIRCULAR NO. 08/17: Access of complaints to the CVOs- Instructions regardingCIRCULAR NO. 07/17 : To follow the procurement manual (Version 1.0.2011) clauses 4.9.1 for limited tender enquiry process in the SPMCIL units – reg.CIRCULAR NO. 06/17: Specifications of material or services in all tender documents issuing by the SPMCIL units – reg.Circular No. 05/17 Expeditious finalization of departmental proceedings pending with the Ministries/Department/Organization regarding.Circular No. 04/17 Irregularities observed during Intensive Examination of procurement of coin blanks regarding – InsuranceCircular No. 03/17 Empanelment of Inquiry Officers.Circular No. 02/17 System improvement Guidelines- Engagement of Consultants- regarding.Circular No. 01/17 System improvement Guidelines regarding hiring of vehicles by Government offices.Circular no.24/16 Empanelment of Inquiry OfficerCIRCULAR NO. 23/16:Attempt of steeling coins & currency by contractual labour in the SPMCIL units – reg.Circular No. 22/16 Criteria to be followed while examining the lapses of authorities exercising judicial or quasi- judicial functions- regarding.Circular No. 21/16: Certificate of Proprietary Article Item- reg.Circular No. 20/16 Observing Vigilance Awareness Week, 2016 and e-Pledge.Circular No. 19/16 Standard Operating Procedure regarding legal cases where Central Vigilance Commission has been made respondent along with the organizations concerned.Circular No 18/16: Irregularities observed in maintenance worksCircular No. 17/16- Irregularities observed during CTE Type Intensive ExaminationIn relation to control over the process of taking donations from contractors or individuals related to CPSEs/PSBs by associations formed/protected by CPSE/PSB officers and their dependents. 16/16Use of social media for the Central Vigilance Commission- Operation of official twitter account for the Commission. Circular No. 15/16Circular No. 14/16: processing of priority cases on Fast Track Basis-regardingCircular No 13/16: Vigilance Clearance Certificate for promotion – regCircular NO. 12/16 Calculation of Estimated Cost for Procurement of stores-reg.Observation during Annual Physical VerificationCircular No. 10/16- Service Procurement-reg.Circular No 09/16 – Vigilance Clearance Certificate of foreign official tour cases -reg.Circular No 08/16 – Vigilance Clearance Certificate of Retirement Cases -reg.Circular No 07/16: Action on Anonymous/Pseudonymous complaints- regarding.CVC’s guidelines on action on Anonymous/Pseudonymous complaints- regarding.Circular No. 06/16: Commission’s publication on Guidelines for Intensive Examination of Public Procurement Contracts by Chief Vigilance Officers -reg. CVC’s guidelines for Intensive Examination of Public Procurement Contracts by Chief Vigilance OfficersCircular No. 05/16 Empanelment of inquiry officers in the units of SPMCIL-regCircular No. 04/16 Timely completion of Disciplinary Proceedings – regCIRCULAR No. 03/16 Posting of details on award of tenders/contracts on website – reg.Circular No. 02/16 Weighment through Electronic Digital Scale with SAP connectivity-regCircular No. 01/16: Irregularities observed in Maintenance work of Casual labour.Circular No. 11/15 Irregularities observed during execution of a contractCircular No.10/15 Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week-2015 form 26.10.15 to 31.10.15. SH: Schedule of various programs organized in Corporate Office.Circular No.09/15 Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week-2015 from 26.10.2015 to 31.10.2015.Circular No.08/15 Irregularities observed during execution of a contract.Circular No. 07/15 Misuse of user ids and passwords in organization -regarding.Circular No.06/15 Lapses found during CTE Type Intensive Examination-regCircular No. 05/15: Commission’s publication on Guidelines on Intensive Examination of Procurement & Other Contracts, 2014 5 reg.CVC’s guidelines on Intensive Examination of Procurement & Other Contracts, 2014Circular No. 04/15 Complaints regarding limited tender and express tender floated by the units of SPMCIL. S.H. Vendors Registration and its Periodical Review – reg.Circular No.03/2015-Lapses found in procurement process.Circular No. 02/2015 – Annual Vendors Meet for the year 2014. SH: Various matters related to tenderingCircular No. 01/2015 – Procedure for dealing with complaints-regarding.Reference to the Commission for Advice-ProcedureSecond stage consultation with the CVC in disciplinary cases Amendment to the Vigilance Manual-regarding.Action on Anonymous/Psuedonymous ComplaintsAmendment to the public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) Resolution-regarding.Reiteration of guidelines based on observation made during CTE Type Intensive Examination of works/purchases by the Vigilance Deptt. of SPMCIL.Vigilance Clearance Certificate-regArticles etc for Vigilance E-NewsletterVigilance E-NewsletterVigilance Clearance Certificate for foreign visit -reg.Abnormal delay in issuing suitability certificate and preparing Goods Receipt Voucher(GRV).Annual Property Return-reg.Need for self-contained speaking and reasoned order to be issued by the authorities exercising disciplinary powers.Short-comings in Bid documentsMonthly Dissemination of Information ReportAssigning duties/responsibilities other than Vigilance to the Vigilance officials – reg.Publishing of tender notice in newspapersAddition of details in the Monthly Dissemination of Information Report submitted to CVO, SPMCIL by 5th of every month.Sending of Payment Details to concerned vendorsAmendment to PIDPI ResolutionGuidelines regarding handling of complaintsSending Limited Tender through e-mail alsoIrregularities observed during execution of a contractFrequent changes in the parameters in the tenderProcess of issuing No Objection Certificate by the Vigilance Department for the Executives working in the Units and Corporate Headquarters of SPMCIL.Opening of TenderTransparency during execution of workPrivate Foreign visit and Ex-India Leave by SPMCIl officialsProcedure for registration and lodging complaints through mobile phone and internet by the citizens on VIGEYE portal.Annual Vendors Meet held in the units for the year 2012. SH: Miscellaneous issues associated with Tendering procedures.Compliance to tendering proceduresSigning of the Committee MeetingsInsurance of Property mortgaged against HBA Abnormal delay in acceptance/rejection of materials/equipment etc.Preparation of TendersMaintaining of Asset register/records.Gol Resolution on the Public Interest Disclosure & Protection of Informers (PIDPI)- Guidelines thereon.Consideration of Indian AgentsFOREIGN VISITS BY SPMCIL OFFICIALSProcedure of Vigilance Clearance of SPMCIL employees by the Vigilance Department of the units and the corporate officeGuidelines based on observations made during CTE Intensive Examination of works/ purchases by vigilance department of SPMCILProcedure of Vigilance clearance of SPMCIL employees by the Vigilance Department of the units and the corporate office. SH: Amendment to Circular dated 24.06.2011-reg.Issuing of cheques for payment of pensionProcedure of Vigilance clearance of SPMCIL employees by the Vigilance Department of the units and the corporate office.License for Pest control Services-reg.Irregularities in Tendering ProcessDealing with ComplaintsUploading of Tenders and Post-award details of tenders on the SPMCIL WebsiteDealing with complaintscalibration of weighing scaleSub-link’On-line Lodging of Complaint’Tendering Process-Purchase of Consumables from OEMTendering Process-Technical Evaluation ReportTendering ProcessTransparency in Tendering ProcessMobilisation AdvancesCaution to be exercised in entertaining persons of Dubious IdentityCTE type Intensive Examination of Public Procurement (Works/Purchases/Services) contracts.WHISTLE BLOWER POLICYTENDER SAMPLE CLAUSETENDERING PROCESSTENDERING PROCESS-Negotiations with L-1TENDERING PROCESS-Negotiations with L-1DEALING WITH COMPLAINTS.INTENSIVE EXAMINATION OF WORKS BY CTE’s ORGANISATION – QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT.DEALING THE MATTER WITH CBI.CONDEMNATION AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURE OF THE COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND MAGNETIC TAPES.